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Welcome/Welcome Back to Dr. O's Guide to "Always Be": A Sassy Series for Educators

Episode Two: Always Be Collecting Data

SuperTeachers while you are up and out of your comfort zone, circulating and keeping students on task… Always be collecting data.  

The data you collect goes beyond the typical objective-related data such as Do Nows, Classwork, Exit Tickets, Homework and Assessments. 

You also want to collect real time data such as facial expressions (who’s getting it?, who looks confused?), body language (are students tracking or napping?), interactions (are students socializing about the work or the weekend?).  

This isn't busy work. Just like the content data you diligently gather and analyze to tailor your lessons, real-time observations should guide your in-the-moment teaching strategies. 

Here's a scenario: you spot a cluster of students seemingly off-task, maybe even goofing off. Don’t jump to conclusions—get in there and gather intel. Are they just chatting or are they passionately arguing over the success of the Haitian Revolution? Is that student at the back of the classroom really napping, or just resting their eyes while their brain does the heavy lifting?  

Always be collecting data SuperTeachers, because every glance and every whisper can provide insights that transform your teaching from good to great. 

Catch you in the next post.

Don’t forget to like, share, and leave your thoughts below. 

Stay sharp, SuperTeachers!

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